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Developing career paths: How to choose the best GenSpark program

#image 15 April 2022 | #image 4 min read


So, you’ve decided to learn a programming language, and you believe GenSpark may be a good fit for you, but where should you start?

Well, let’s jump right in, at GenSpark we offer paid remote training to individuals looking to diversify their skillsets. We offer 20+ skillsets from Java, .NET, Oracle, AWS and more. With so many skillsets it can be difficult deciding which to choose, but don’t fret, we design our skillsets with employer needs and different levels of experience in mind.

Depending on where you are in life and what your career goals are, different factors will play a major role in deciding which programming language is suitable for you and your current lifestyle. Start by asking yourself these simple questions:

  • Why am I interested in programming?
  • What do I want to do as a programmer?

Afterwards, contemplate where you are in your IT journey. Do you have previous programming experience? Do you have a degree in Computer Science? What does your previous work experience look like?

The answers to these questions will essentially spark your entire programming career. Pun not intended. You want to choose a programming language that will pique your interest, but also a language that’s in line with your current background and skill set. Because as fun as a programming language may be, some languages require previous experience, so being realistic about your current capabilities is a must.

Thankfully GenSpark builds curriculums with all these factors in mind! As we dive deeper, we’ll help you decide which programming language is best for you, and how GenSpark’s training program can help you take your career to the next level! Continue Reading Below:

HELP! I have no experience, but I want to code!

If you’re someone with no tech work experience, then this is for you. Luckily, at GenSpark not all cohorts require IT degrees or previous experience. For those individuals with little to no experience, we offer GenSpark Aspire, a 6–12-week intensive training program designed for Entry-Level Developers.

During the GenSpark Aspire program, candidates learn how to think like a programmer and understand the basic logics behind programming.  Cohorts that fall under GenSpark Aspire include:

  • AWS
  • Azure
  • SAP
  • NET Full Stack
  • Salesforce
  • Java Full Stack & more

Each of these GenSpark cohorts are designed for beginners with little to no work experience in mind. Our goal is to get you trained and ready to enter the IT workforce. With these skillsets in your arsenal, employers will be lined up to hire you, thus putting you on the pathway to a brighter future.

I have Industry Experience, but I need that extra push in my career!

It’s normal to feel stuck sometimes, especially in your career. Trying to move up the ladder can be frustrating, difficult, and just downright impossible to do alone. However, GenSpark is all about connecting talent with job opportunities. And if this applies to you then GenSpark Accelerate may be perfect for you!

GenSpark Accelerate is designed for Junior Developers, meaning those individuals with 1-3 years of experience. Individuals in this category will go through 4-8-weeks of cross training to sharpen their skills through custom employer designed training, making them an asset to employers looking for the perfect candidate to fulfill their open positions.

Cohorts included in the GenSpark Accelerate program include:

  • AWS Fundamentals
  • Java Microservices
  • Data Analytics on AWS
  • Python Full Stack
  • Data Analytics on Azure
  • Solutions Architecture
  • Guidewire
  • Model N
  • ServiceNow & more

Since you already have experience, GenSpark will help you gain technical and soft skills outside of your current skillset. This of course includes technical training in the skillsets mentioned above, but GenSpark also provides interview prep, resume assistance, and more to ensure that you stand out and land the job.

GenSpark Accelerate is about just that, accelerating you ahead of the rest, to land your dream IT career.

I have a degree & experience; I need help with job placement!

So, you check all the boxes. You have a degree and years of experience, but still the job search just hasn’t been going your way. No worries. GenSpark has something for everyone, including you. Job placement is a huge part of GenSpark. We don’t just offer training. We ensure job placement through our employer designed curriculums, interview prep, and connections with Fortune 500 clients.

For those that check all the boxes, but need extra job placement support, we offer GenSpark Ascend. GenSpark Ascend is designed for Developers with 3-8 years of industry experience. During this time, we provide 1-2-weeks of micro training, and focus on connecting you with our Fortune 500 clients.

There are many reasons that will affect your job search. Maybe there are gaps in your resume or maybe you don’t interview well. That’s okay!

GenSpark can help sharpen not just technical skills, but we also catch you up to speed with what employers want today. You have the skill, and we have the connections. There’s beauty in teamwork and with GenSpark Ascend, your career can reach new heights you didn’t think imaginable.

Need More Help? Take an interactive quiz to help you decide!

GenSpark is a great program for everyone, no matter what stage of your IT journey you’re in. We offer employer tailored training as well as interview prep and more to help spark careers, no matter your background.

To further help you, we’ve designed this quiz for you to help narrow down your search even further. Your programming language of choice should not only be right for your experience level, but it should also pique your interest as an individual. Because after all, if you love what you do then it’ll never feel like work!

Afterwards, once you’ve narrowed down which GenSpark Program is perfect for you, take 5 minutes to complete our application, and a GenSpark recruiter will be in touch with the next steps to spark your future! Good luck! Remember we’re here for you every step of the way!


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