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Why and how to hire Generation Z Talent?

#image 31 July 2023 | #image 5 min read

You must have come across discussions typically among the Millennials or Generation X groups – achingly ranting about the ethics and approach of Generation Z towards work. From allegedly having a knack for quick rewards to excessively exploiting social media, Generation Z is infamous for not recalling the time before the internet and being massively dependent on digital technologies.

While some of these claims might hold some truth, the fact that each generation has been subject to stereotypes holds still. In fact, when millennials entered the workforce, they were alleged as entitled and bad at taking criticism. This is the world we live in, and this is the world it will always be. Thus, it is always best to keep stereotypes aside and focus on the brighter side. Generation Z has the required spark, and people like Greta Thunberg, Billie Eilish, and Zendaya justify this statement.

Generation Z is the future!

Generation Z, popularly known as Gen Z or iGen, is the second-youngest generation in the world after Generation Alpha and before Millennials. The term Generation Z typically refers to the generation of people born between 1996 and 2010 – into a time when the digital revolution was spreading to the masses in the developing world, and social media was seeing the light of the day.

Today, the world is struggling with the skill shortage, and the aging workforce is one of the primary reasons. For instance, as per a report by the United States Senate, the number of US citizens over the age of 55 is expected to reach 42.1 million by 2026. At this rate, they will make up about one-quarter of the labor force in 2026. Thus, it is time that we start molding the youngest generation to enter the workforce and build the leaders of tomorrow.


Why hire Generation Z Talent?

Generation Z makes up about one-third of the global population today and will account for 27% of the workforce by 2025. With the aging workforce already aggravating the global skill shortage problem, it is time to acknowledge the attributes and characteristics of Generation Z. The latter can be valuable assets for an organization.

Here are some reasons you should hire Generation Z talent –

  1. Generation Z understands technology better
    As per a study, four out of five of Generation Z’s favorite brands are technology companies. Unlike millennials, who got used to and learned technology, Generation Z grew up with technology. They got used to the technological world and its problems at an early age. Many Generation Z talent have found creative ways to overcome the challenges of modern-day technologies. It will not be a long shot to say – they have an edge over other generations in this domain.
  2. Generation Z better understands digital and social media.
    Generation Z was born in a digital era. For instance, people born in the era are often referred to as the first real “digital natives” as they are the first generation to grow up with the internet as a part of their daily lives. Moreover, they are exceptional with social media, and platforms like TikTok is evident in that fact. In 2021, TikTok had over 2 billion downloads, and 60% were Generation Z. Their significant understanding of the digital and social media world is an exclusive attribute that can benefit an organization in the current digitally driven world.
  3. Generation Z is committed to causes larger than themselves
    Generation Z has a unique level of confidence and self-belief that they can make a change. For instance, the identity of Generation Z is largely shaped by climate anxiety as they were born in a time of climate downfall. It is an eco-conscious generation that values sustainability and expects organizations to lead on environmental issues. Moreover, Generation Z cares about the company culture the most as compared to other generations. They are ready to give back to the company’s culture, community, and customers.
  4. Generation Z is truly inclusive
    Generation Z is the most inclusive generation. For instance, this generation can be concluded as the most racially and ethnically diverse generation, and people of this group are leaders within sexuality, religion, and gender diversity. Generation Z is a perfect fit for organizations aiming to build an inclusive workplace.


How to hire Generation Z talent?

The number of Generation Z employees will triple and make up 30% of the workforce by 2030. Fair to say that they will be crucial in shaping workplaces in the decades to come.

Generation Z comes with fresh ideas, innovative thinking, and creative approaches that can contribute to the longevity of your organization. However, it is born in a different world and has a different take on things. Organizations must understand and adapt to their ways of thinking to tap into their full potential. Here are some tips that can help you attract and hire Generation Z talent –

  1. Give them a chance
    Generation Z employees are just starting their careers, and most of them are looking for entry-level jobs. Unfortunately, current corporate norms about entry-level jobs restrict them from entering the workforce. As per research, 60% of entry-level jobs require 3+ years of experience in the software and IT services industry. Organizations should ease these norms and give Generation Z a chance.
  2. Offer development opportunities
    Development opportunities are a priority for Generation Z talent and compel them to stay at an organization. Thus, organizations must offer them consistent opportunities to learn, develop, and upskill. Moreover, Generation Z talent prefers having one-on-one feedback and working with value-centric leadership. Adding the same to the culture can also help you attract the Generation Z talent pool.
  3. Create an inclusive culture
    As mentioned earlier, Generation Z values inclusiveness. They are passionate about inclusive workplaces and are attracted to work in organizations sharing the same passion. As per a survey, about 83% of Generation Z employees consider an employer’s commitment to equity and inclusiveness as a significant factor when deciding to join an organization.
  4. Be more flexible
    Generation Z expects flexibility in work, and the pandemic has only doubled down on this expectation. As per a survey, 73% of Generation Z employees are likely to apply for a job if the company offers a flexible work policy, while 49% will turn down the chance if the flexibility aspect is missing.
  5. Ensure well-being and work-life balance
    Mental health and wellness are a top priority at all organizations, and Generation Z wants that. Generation Z employees report the highest rates of burnout at the workplace and prefer working with a company that ensures adequate work-life balance and well-being.
  6. Be tech savvy
    Generation Z is a digitally native generation with no recollection of the world before the internet. It is a group unaware of the traditional pen-paper ways and prefers working with tech-savvy companies. Thus, organizations that use the latest technologies have a better chance of hiring Generation Z talent. Digital transformation is already the need of the hour and serves you right in many ways.

While Generation Z has attributes that can benefit your company, hiring them comes with many challenges. One of many challenges includes loyalty and retention issues. Generation Z talent tends to have expectation differences and look to advance their careers at a rapid pace. This often complicates retaining them and may even result in high employee turnover.

How Pyramid Consulting can help?

Pyramid Consulting is a global staffing company and an Intentionally Inclusive organization that believes in fostering equal opportunities for all.

With industry-leading staffing expertise, we help organizations hire Generation Z employees and foster a workplace that favors diversity in thoughts, experiences, and representation. Our business division – GenSpark – focuses on closing the talent gap by upskilling talent pools to recast the workforce. We connect Generation Z talent who are waiting to start a new technology career with organizations searching for experienced talent.

If you want to hire Generation Z talent, contact us today at:


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